50 Wooden Materials, ready to drag & drop
With your Patata School subscription you’ll have access to our extensive library of hand-crafted wooden textures, ready to apply to your 3D project.
Use them in C4D
Use them in Blender
Use the entire library in Blender with drag & drop materials. We’ll teach you how to add them to your library so they’re ready to use whenever you need.
With 50+ customisable materials, you’ll have infinite possibilities to create anything you like!
This varied set of materials can be combined to add a realistic, craft-like feeling to your projects.
As well this premium downloadable collection we've also prepared a tutorial to show you how to apply these textures in C4D & Blender and some tricks for how to get the best results in your renders.
01 Timber Soft
02 Timber Dark
03 Timber Light
04 Timber Faded
05 Checkerboard Light
06 Checkerboard Dark
07 Checkerboard Cold
08 Drifwood A
09 Drifwood B
10 Drifwood C
11 Drifwood D
12 Drifwood E
13 Rough Wood Base
14 Rough Wood Dark
15 Oak Light
16 Oak Extra Light
17 Oak Dark
18 Oak Brown
19 Rain Wood
20 Rain Wood Dark
21 Rain Wood Soft Blue
22 Rain Wood Soft Purple
23 Dry Painted
24 Dry Painted Pink
25 Dry Painted Green
26 Dry Painted Blue
27 Dry Painted Yellow
28 Dry Painted Red
29 Dry Painted Dark
30 Dry Painted White
31 Floor Boards Base
32 Floor Boards Dark
33 Floor Boards Red
34 Floor Boards Orange
35 Floor Boards Yellow
36 Dirty Wood A
37 Dirty Wood B
38 Dirty Wood C
39 Chipboard A
40 Chipboard B
41 Chipboard C
42 Chipboard D
43 Creative A
44 Creative B
45 Creative C
46 Creative D
46 Creative F
47 Creative E
48 Creative G
49 Drifwood Col A
50 Drifwood Col B
Learn about the material library and its use in Blender.
A step-by-step guide on how to install the library to your project.