Make your own Interactive Experience

Based on your favourite place

Win an iPad Pro + Apple Pencil

Winners Announced ~

Winners Announced ~

Winners Announced ~

Winners Announced ~

1st Place - SUPER plan from Spline + iPad PRO + Apple Pencil

5 Runner Ups - 5 Spline SUPER Plans

The Winner

David’s Earth experience

The concept is so clever and thoughtful and the design is beautifully rendered and deceptively simple.

Well done David, you’re the winner of the iPad Pro + Apple Pencil.

Runner Up 1

Mattéo’s Ghosts in Paris

This is aesthetically a beautiful project and a real feat of design and interactivity.

We love the little ghost character and how it illuminates Paris at night.

Runner Up 2

Manu’s office-going penguin

There are so many fun interactive challenges to get through.

The ideas are so creative and funny, and the concept is great. Manu has really reimagined many of the points learnt during the course and it’s great to see how they’re made unique here.

Runner Up 3

Klára’s Slovenian gorge

An atmospheric experience with a fox character who we guide through collecting their friends.

A lovely aesthetic and consistent design - well done Klára!

Runner Up 4

Roosmagical space mushroom

This is such a beautifully designed and modelled experience, and the character Mushie is adorable

We love the interactivity and the details in animation, plus the consistency in design.

Runner Up 5

Lee and Koon’s Castle in the Sky

This experience takes place in the magical world of a Studio Ghibli film.

It’s wonderful to see so many recognisable characters and monuments come to life here.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Originality - how original and imaginative the piece is.

  2. Aesthetic - how well balanced and pleasing the piece is, consistency in modelling, colours and use of texture and lighting.

  3. Concept - what’s the idea behind the piece, what makes it unique and before unseen?

  4. Interactivity - how have you used interactivity to get your idea across? Have you built on learning from the course and interpreted the interactions in your own unique way?

Learn Spline with us

We have several courses to learn Spline so if you’re a complete beginner, don’t worry! We’ll guide you from zero to interactive game hero.

This is the perfect moment to join Patata School, learn Spline with us, and win an iPad.


  • Your work should be original (made by you).

  • Have your public URL ready in case you win.

  • You must be 18+ years old to collect the prize.

  • By submitting your project, you give permission to Spline to promote your work on social media/platforms.

  • For feedback and questions go to Spline’s Discord server or Patata School.

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