Physics for Character Design
in Blender
Scared of Physics Simulations in Blender? Not any more!
We teach Physics without breaking your computer, and while having fun. You'll learn techniques that you can apply to your own characters and that will change the way you think about 3D simulations.
This course will go in depth studying different Blender modifiers, simulation techniques, and tricks to create and animate different characters using Physics simulations.
Each lesson we’ll create a different character from start to finish, explaining everything you need to know and guiding you through the process.
Then we encourage you to go beyond the course and use your new-found learning to create whatever you imagine.
You'll have all the tools you need to do so after completing this course!
This course will cover:
Techniques & tricks to use Physics for in different scenarios in Blender
Apply a 2D Face Rig to your characters to really bring them to life
Use Physics to animate your characters without slowing down your computer!

We'll go through each stage step by step and explain the theory behind each process so you'll be ready to create your own infinite 3D Character animations!