2D & 3D Typography in
Cavalry and Blender
This course combines the best of Cavalry and Blender, creating realistic glass materials in Blender and using Cavalry's variable 2D typefaces and myriad animation tools, to get truly unique results.
You'll learn how to create 2D typography animations in Cavalry and mix them with 3D effects in Blender.
This course invites you to use your lateral thinking and get unique results that can be applied to your own projects.
This course will cover the following:
Create 2D text animation in Cavalry
Extrude text using Displacement Maps in Blender
Creation of 3D glass with chromatic aberrations
Discover how both programmes can interact seamlessly
Color correction and even video editing in Blender to keep your workflow in the same place

This course uses free software start to finish so you don’t need to spend any extra money or use trial versions.
Perfect for complete beginners and confident Blender users alike, we can't wait to see what you make!